Starting MONDAY OCTOBER 28THHD Cook’sRock Solid Inc. will begin sidewalk installation. This is the initial start of the sidewalk program and at this time the scope and goal is to establish sidewalk where there are sections missing. The new sidewalks will be compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Sections of existing sidewalk may remain and some will be replaced. This will re-connect the sidewalks and provide a more seamless and safe walk for all of Waxahachie.  

Below is a list of the streets, in no particular order, of scheduled work. Please expect delays at the following streets:

  • Parts of Brown Street / FM 813 from  E. Criddle Street to Kirksey Street.
  • Parts of E. Marvin Avenue from N. Flat Street to Ennis Street.
  • Parts of DR. MLK JR BLVD. from Kaufman Street to Wyatt Street.

 Please call the Public Works Department at 469-309-4300 or email at publicworks@waxahachie.com.